Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Post-match reflections for CCK vs SST @ 1 March

1. Rate your performance today from 1 to 10
2. Explain your rating
3. What did you think you do well today?
4. What do you think should be improved
5. What do you think the team can do as a team to improve?
6. Who do you think is the man of the match today?
7. Explain your answer in 6.


  1. 1. I would rate myself 7 for this game.

    2. I have rated myself 7 as I feel I have done well in some areas, but not in others. I have lost my temper a lot in the game and instead of motivating the players, I was scolding them. To anyone I have offended, i seek forgiveness. One area have not done well in is tracking back to defend.

    3. I think I did well as I did not panic as much when I receive and take time to look up and execute a good pass. Also, defensively, I make attempts to challenge from behind (legally) but that is when the player is close to me.

    4. I think I should improve on my stamina as during the game, I find myself walking or even ball-watching due to my stamina. Also, I must improve on my Situational Awareness. Another thing I should improve on is learning to pass. At times, I find myself dribbling a lot and failing to beat the player, once I almost let in a goal due to that.

    5. As a team, communication has improved, so keep it up. One thing to improve is our offensive and midfield. When a dropkick/goal-kick is taken, we must move to the ball and attempt to control it. That is the reason why we don't have a lot of possession and often let in goals.

    6. Everyone is my MOTM today.

    7. This is because I can see everyone has given their all and have done their best, some even injuring themselves in the process. Everyone did their part and some also did more, which is good. Good job everyone, keep it up!

    Darius Low, Captain

  2. 1. 7/10
    2. Even though i felt tired easily today, i think that i have went all out despite the fact that i have a back injury.
    3. Not having any foul throws.
    4. My stamina
    5. I feel that our defence has improved, so now we must try to gain more possesion as we keep losing the ball.
    6. Everyone?
    7. i feel that everyone gave in their best. Like what the other teacher of CCK said to me, he admired our enthusiasm, even when we are 1 goal down and even though we lost the match. That's what i feel makes everyone the MOTM today.

  3. 1. Rate your performance today from 1 to 10

    I would say 2.

    2. Explain your rating

    I thought that the pressure they gave was not that great.

    3. What did you think you do well today?

    No, I did a lot of careless mistakes during the match that I was not proud of.

    4. What do you think should be improved

    My ball sense.

    5. What do you think the team can do as a team to improve?

    Connection of the defense and offense.

    6. Who do you think is the man of the match today?

    I think its Wen Kai.

    7. Explain your answer in 6.

    He did not flinch in front of the ball.

  4. 1. Rate your performance today from 1 to 10


    2. Explain your rating


    3. What did you think you do well today?


    4. What do you think should be improved

    I think that the communication of the team can be improved.

    5. What do you think the team can do as a team to improve?

    The team can do more drills on attacking and defending shift.

    6. Who do you think is the man of the match today?

    I think that the MotM is Wen Kai.

    7. Explain your answer in 6.

    He made quite a number of good saves from goal today.

  5. 1. Rate your performance today from 1 to 10
    - 1st Half : 7.5
    - 2nd Half: 6

    2. Explain your rating
    I feel that I played well during the 1st half but about 5mins into the 2nd half, I fell that I did not play as well as was ball watching a lot.

    3. What did you think you do well today?
    In the 1st half, I was aggressive and challenged when I had the opportunity. I was also good in support with the defense and helped the defenders to block down the opponents as much as possible.

    4. What do you think should be improved
    I should improve on my stamina and also how to control and receive a ball properly.

    5. What do you think the team can do as a team to improve?
    How to string passes and the connection between defense and attack.

    6. Who do you think is the man of the match today?

    7. Explain your answer in 6.
    He was always calling and shouting for his players to defend the opponent and he was always managing the defense.

  6. What do you think should be improved?

    We can move up as a team more, as our final ball is always lacking in the game. Other than that, the team played very well as a unit and we were also better in heading.

    What do you think the team can do as a team to improve?

    We can attack and defend as a unit, while bearing in mind that we have to communicate and encourage each other.

    Who do you think is the man of the match today?

    I feel that everyone played to their best today, but Jia Le should be the man of the match today.

    This is because he ran around tirelessly, helping out in defence and making tricky runs at the opponent. He was also constantly trying to get behind the opponent's defence with his blistering pace.

  7. 1. 7/10

    2. I can see myself improving a lot as compared to the previous match.

    3. I was able to get more possession of the ball but I wasn't able to keep it in my possession for long. I am also giving more long shots (which I wasn't so good at) and controlling high balls better. More aggressive in challenging too.

    4. Even more Aggressive in challenging, ball control/possession and game awareness.

    5. We have to defend and attack as a whole. I am seeing some improvements and would improve more by communicating.

    6. Probably everyone in the team.

    7. I am definitely seeing large improvements, most of our weaknesses, except communication, are progressing. Hope that we will keep up the good work!!

  8. 1-4 NA
    5.I think the team did very well in the 1st half, tackling and challenging but in the 2nd half, the energy seemed to have faded away. I feel that the team should continue what they did in the 1st half, pushing up and running back, challenging and tackling. For the 2nd half, it may have been due to the fact that we were exhausted but other than that, i think we played a good game.
    6.I think the man of the match both Jia Le and Mitchel.
    7.Mitchel is what kept the opponents form scoring in the 1st half. Other than clearing most balls, he showed 100% effort when tackling and just ran in to tackle head on without hesitation, running back to cover and up when we lost the ball and got the ball respectively. Jia Le also was committed to the game, chasing and tacking, causing havoc in the defense.
    Gregory Chew

  9. 1. Rate your performance today from 1 to 10
    Ans: I rate myself 6.

    2. Explain your rating
    Ans: Didn't do as well as when I'm at my best, also often found myself a bit lost and confused.

    3. What did you think you do well today?
    Ans: I did communicate a lot with my team members and did not give up chasing after the ball.

    4. What do you think should be improved
    Ans: I need to learn to be able to pump the ball well under pressure.

    5. What do you think the team can do as a team to improve?
    Ans: Communication and basic skills and stamina.

    6. Who do you think is the man of the match today?
    Ans: ODS and Wen Kai.

    7. Explain your answer in 6.
    Ans: Wen Kai made a couple of good calls and did not fumble with the ball and he gave his best today(just like everyone else). ODS was constantly winning challenges and covering for me and my mistakes. We worked well together

  10. 5. What do you think the team can do as a team to improve?
    Work on our passes and our headers,as we had A LOT of chances to head the ball but at times our players do not dare to take the chance. We must also communicate a lot,but that is improving and we should keep it up!
    6. Who do you think is the man of the match today?
    Mitchel and Nikalus(I think spelt it wrong,Sorry Nik)
    7. Explain your answer in 6.
    Mitche and Nikalus were giving it their all during the game,mitchel always managed to clear the ball up into the field,while Nikalus managed to call out to the defenders and get them organized

  11. 1. 6

    2. For that 15 minutes that I played, 2 of the 5 balls passed through me because I went too front and ODS had to cover for me.

    3. Though, I managed to get some good tackles and interceptions. I think some of them were due to flukes.

    4. I can improve on my situational awareness and high passes.

    5. We now have to work on getting the ball from defense to midfield.

    6. MOTM EVERYBODEH ! (Ps. y does everyone copy the MOTM)

    7. I could see everyone's effort in trying to work as a unit.

  12. 1) I would rate myself 6.8.

    2) Not a really good game for me; I felt lethargic. Made quite a few dribbles and burst on the right and defended one good counter attack on the left.

    3) I felt that I have done well springing up counter attacks with my pace and bringing the team together without coach. I also won an award for acting (Y).

    4) I think that my aerial control should improve and freekick accuracy.

    5) Our team effort was superb today. Those goals let in were in my point of view inevitable. We should learn how to pass using SA.

    6) Everyone, especially Niklaus, Mitchel and Wen Kai (actually I can't really decide LOL)

    7) Niklaus communicated well with the defence. Mitchel did his job but I feel that he should drop back after an attack. Wen Kai prevented a lot of ambiguous shots and kept our team level till the second half.

    ~Jia Le

  13. 1. I would rate myself 6 for this game.

    2. I have rated myself 7 as I feel I have not done well in some areas, but did well in others. I have have chased more of the balI. One area have not done well in is running back to defend and chasing the ball..

    3. I Chased the ball alot more than the first match. I played more defensive and it was really good.

    4. I think I should improve on my stamina as during the game, I find myself walking or even ball-watching due to my stamina. I lost the ball in midfield and let the other players scored because of that.

    5. As a team, communication has improved. We can play more defensive as again, the strikers are not getting enough chances. (Its better than last time alr)

    6. Bryan is my MOTM today.

    7. This is because I can see he always keeps his positive atitude towards defending and he communicated to niklaus to cover his positions to try not to let in goals

  14. 1)I would rate myself 6.

    2)I had lesser touches on the ball then ever before=.=

    3)I felt that I could dribble quite well today.My "Soccer Human Instinct" led me to dribble past one defender and run pass another.But that only happened when Wen Kai threw the ball at me and I controlled it properlly.

    4)I MUSTx999999 learn to have a almost perfect ball control.

    -Power(as in leg power not superman power^^)
    -To not have have any Blurness
    -Game Intelligence

    6)I feel that the MOTM is Lhu Lhu(I hate to admit this:P and Arsenal still sucks:D[JK])

    7)He had some REALLY GOOD save and everybody MUST(not just SHOULD but MUST) learn to be not afraid of the ball.The ball is yours to control,its just whether you want to accept it or not.

  15. 1. Rate your performance today from 1 to 10
    I rate myself 7
    2. Explain your rating
    We did have much better communication, but there were some slipshots
    3. What did you think you do well today?
    I think that i communicated much better and been more aggressive in intercepting the ball from the attackers
    4. What do you think should be improved
    By being able to read the game better so as to predict what to do
    5. What do you think the team can do as a team to improve?
    The team could support each other in attacking
    6. Who do you think is the man of the match today?
    I think that everybody was Man of the day
    7. Explain your answer in 6.
    In this game, we all improved and also played our roles more effectively

  16. 1. I would rate myself 8
    2,3. I was injured from the previous matches but still continued playing.I supported in attacking and came back to defend but after i got injured during the game,that was kind of hard to do.I also managed to dribble past 3 people at once and got the ball up.
    5. Communication is one thing and I can say that we have improved but more still can be done.
    6. Most of the people that played
    7. Most of us gave our best but some are still not playing as hard as they can.Some people are also very complacent and think that they are the best in the team.This should not happen.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. 1. Rate your performance today from 1 to 10
    - I would rate myself 1-2/10 for this match today.

    2. Explain your rating
    - I was abruptly called in to play without warm-ups during the last few minutes of the game and hence wasn’t alert as well as being situationally aware, causing quite a number of mistakes, once even directing the ball towards the goal at the last minute.

    3. What did you think you do well today?
    - I would honestly feel that I have not done anything much today during the game. It could be that I did not warm up before the playing of the game. It could be that there was too less time for me to do anything well during the game. Still, I feel that I should have done much more better and things I did during the match should not have happened. Perhaps, the only thing I have done well today is the verbal supporting and encouraging for team players at the side by calling ‘come on!’ and ‘one thousand percent effort!’, ‘. Also, I did help the players who were playing to observe and watch-out for opponent players from a third-person point of view by calling ‘man-on!’ and ‘support!’.

    4. What do you think should be improved
    - I feel that I should be improving on knowing how to apply what I have learnt from training during the game as well and coordinate better based on learning from observations during the previous matches. It is therefore I should be learning how to take my time, especially when gaining possession of the ball, so as to prevent mistakes of directing the ball the wrong/unwanted way when clearing during defense.

    5. What do you think the team can do as a team to improve?
    - What the team should be required to improve on now is the ability to move up and down together as a team. It seems to be observed that we have many chances to attack, but always fail to seize the opportunity to shoot. When the ball is passed to the shooter, the ball usually goes to the goalkeeper in this match, or goes too far out beyond the goal line. Therefore, according to what I feel for this match, defenders and midfielders should ensure that clears and high passes to the shooter should be just of the right power so that the shooter can control the ball well and have an opportunity to shoot. The shooter should always judge accurately the ball which is coming towards him and his position so that he can be able to keep the ball in. Whenever there is the chance to shoot, it is the responsibility of whoever upfront that has that chance to aim and direct the ball immediately without any delay. This is so that the efforts to move the ball up towards the opponents goal would not be wasted due to the losing of possession to defenders who clear the ball or even the goalkeeper. Now, the team would also need to improve on the team spirit and motivation when a goal is scored by the opponent players’ team or even when a contact foul is made by the opponents. This is due to the observation that just after even the first goal/foul made by the opponents, many of the players seem to start losing their confidence. The amount of communication seems to decrease and players do not play as well as they could as seen before the goal/foul. Therefore, to what I feel should be improved, the positive mentality of the players under all conditions should not change at all times. This is so that we can continue to keep up the good play throughout the whole match, therefore continuing to play well.

    6. Who do you think is the man of the match today?
    - For just this match, the man of the match today is Wen Kai.

    7. Explain your answer in 6.
    - This is because it has been seen that though there are some mistakes made in his play, he had came out and gone back accordingly, therefore saving quite a number of shots. He has also improved in his play by communicating (and shouting) for players to let go of the ball when he felt it was necessary. After all, it has been seen that he had been more aggressive during his play and was not afraid to let the ball be under his control, unlike the previous matches. (He has held his woman, jkjk XD)

  19. First 3 do not apply
    4.I believe that the aggression has done well but we need to improve on tackling as some people needed some praticce

    5.I believe everybody should improve on the throw ins as there were some foul throws in the game which allowed the opponent to push up into attack

    6.I think the man of the match is bryan as he tackled the ball and cleared it up and thus saved some cross ins

  20. 1-4 NA (never play
    5. Increased teamplay at the second part of the game (since we are, by tradition thus far, supposed to play better in the 2nd half)
    6. Cannot decide.
    7. Reason: everyone played well during this match and it is evident in the score where first half is 0-0.
