I feel that I should have thought of more ways to curb both my hobbies, and I guess that Mr Lam was not helping at all by giving me a ton of reasons why should I stay. I feel that he should give me solutions on how I can represent the school in soccer, and also how I can play competitive basketball. I will talk more about it the the next paragraph. Anyway, I feel that I let the team down, by not making an effort to confirm if there is a match tomorrow. I also should not release news about my departure in the tournament, as it may let the team down.
Now, coming back, I researched online yesterday to see if there is an alternative to competitive basketball, and it turns out there was. The Satellite Development Programme for basketball is on a Sunday, and it does not clash with any of my competition or training. So, this is a good way to juggle between representing the school in soccer and playing competitive basketball!
I will try my best to convince the team I was sorry by keeping a clean sheet, if I get to play in the first place, and try to earn back their respect by helping them to improve in their soccer skills. However, as mentioned, this needs cooperation. Overall, I will improve my attitude, come early for training and work hard in training to set a good role model and also tell the team not to repeat my mistake again as I do not want them to get into the same trouble as me.
Lhu Wen Kai
You have not come up with your self-punishment.